===================================================== SPELL LISTS ===================================================== There are 2 types of spell lists in Final Fantasy IV. "Initial" lists are known by a character as soon as you meet them, and contain 1 byte per spell. They appear to be written as soon as you select "New Game". "Learned" lists are spells that are learned upon level up, and contain 3 or 4 bytes per level. NUMBER GBA Character Type Color [01] EE7C0 Cecil Paladin Initial White [02] EE7C2 Cecil Paladin Learned White [03] EE7D2 Rosa Initial White [04] EE7D8 Rosa Learned White [05] EE80D Rydia Initial Summon [06] EE80F Rydia (Child) Learned White [07] EE819 Rydia Learned Black [08] EE856 Tellah Initial White [09] EE85D Tellah Initial Black [10] EE863 Palom Initial Black [11] EE869 Palom Learned Black [12] EE8A1 Porom Initial White [13] EE8A7 Porom Learned White [14] EE8DF Edge Initial Ninjutsu [15] EE8E1 Edge Learned Ninjutsu [16] EE8EB FuSoYa Initial White [17] EE904 FuSoYa Initial Black ===================================================== MAGIC LIST POINTERS ===================================================== Each character has 2 pointer blocks. The first pointer block is for their initial magic, the second for their magic learned at level up. Each block contains 16 bytes of data, 4 for each type of magic. Take Rydia's learned block for example. OFFSET - EE710 0F E8 0E 08 <--This is where her White Magic learned list begins (EE80F) 19 E8 0E 08 <--This is where her Black Magic learned list begins (EE819) 00 00 00 00 <--If Rydia learned Summon Magic at level-up, the pointer would go here.* 00 00 00 00 <--If Rydia learned Ninjutsu at level-up, the pointer would go here INITIAL MAGIC LIST POINTERS EE600 - Cecil Dark Knight 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE610 - Kain 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE620 - Rosa D2 E7 0E 08 > Rosa Initial White - (EE7D2) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE630 - Rydia (Child) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0D E8 0E 08 > Rydia Initial Summon (EE80D) 00 00 00 00 EE640 - Cid 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE650 - Tellah 56 E8 0E 08 > Tellah Initial White (EE856) 5D E8 0E 08 > Tellah Initial Black (EE85D) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE660 - Edward 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE670 - Yang 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE680 - Palom 00 00 00 00 63 E8 0E 08 > Palom Initial Black (EE863) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE690 - Porom A1 E8 0E 08 > Porom Initial White (EE8A1) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE6A0 - Edge 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF E8 0E 08 > Edge Initial Ninjutsu (EE8DF) EE6B0 - Fusoya EB E8 0E 08 > FuSoYa Initial White (EE8EB) 04 E9 0E 08 > FuSoYa Initial Black (EE004) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE6C0 - Cecil Paladin C0 E7 0E 08 > Cecil Initial White (EE7C0) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE6D0 - Rydia Adult 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 LEARNED MAGIC LIST POINTERS EE6E0 - Cecil Dark Knight 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE6F0 - Kain 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE700 - Rosa D8 E7 0E 08 > Rosa Learned White (EE7D8) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE710 - Rydia Child 0F E8 0E 08 > Rydia Child Learned White (EE80F) 19 E8 0E 08 > Rydia Child Learned Black (EE819) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE720 - Cid 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE730 - Tellah 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE740 - Edward 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE750 - Yang 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE760 - Palom 00 00 00 00 69 E8 0E 08 > Palom Learned Black (EE869) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE770 - Porom A7 E8 0E 08 > Porom Learned White (EE8A7) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE780 - Edge 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E1 E8 0E 08 > Edge Learned Ninjutsu (EE8E1) EE790 - FuSoYa 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE7A0 - Cecil Paladin C2 E7 0E 08 > Cecil Paladin Learned White (EE7C2) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EE7B0 - Rydia Adult 00 00 00 00 19 E8 0E 08 > Rydia Adult Learned Black (EE819) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ====================================================== SPELLS IN EACH LIST ====================================================== For initial spell lists, 1 byte is given per spell, with no level data. The list is ended with an "FF". So Palom's initial black list reads 1D 20 23 29 1C FF Meaning that Palom starts with Fire (1D), Blizzard (20), Thunder (23), Sleep (29), and Poison (1C). For learned spell list, 3 or 4 bytes are given per level that a spell is learned at. Byte 1 contains the level where the character learns the spell, byte 2 contains the index number of the spell, and byte 3 contains "00", indicating "end of list". For example, take the following hex data from Cecil's list: 03 17 00 The first byte, 03, indicates that Cecil learns a spell at level 3. The second byte, 17, indicates that he learns spell 17 (Sight). The third byte, 00, says that this is the end of the list for level 3. There are 3 cases where a character will learn 2 spells at level up. In that case, there are 4 bytes of hex data. The 1st is the level, the 2nd and 3rd are the 2 spells, and the fourth is 00, indicating the end of the list. SPELL INDEX WHITE MAGIC BLACK MAGIC SUMMON MAGIC 01 Hold 19 Toad 31 Goblin 02 Silence 1A Pig 32 Bomb 03 Confuse 1B Warp 33 Cockatrice 04 Blink 1C Poison 34 Mind Flayer 05 Protect 1D Fire 35 Chocobo 06 Shell 1E Fira 36 Shiva 07 Slow 1F Firaga 37 Ramuh 08 Haste 20 Blizzard 38 Ifrit 09 Berserk 21 Blizzara 39 Titan 0A Reflect 22 Blizzaga 3A Dragon 0B Holy 23 Thunder 3B Sylph 0C Dispel 24 Thundara 3C Odin 0D Scan 25 Thundaga 3D Leviathan 0E Cure 26 Bio 3E Asura 0F Cura 27 Tornado 3F Bahamut 10 Curaga 28 Quake TWIN MAGIC 11 Curaja 29 Sleep 40 Comet 12 Esuna 2A Break 41 Pyroblast 13 Life 2B Death NINJUTSU 14 Full-Life 2C Stop 42 Flame 15 Mini 2D Drain 43 Flood 16 Teleport 2E Osmose 44 Blitz 17 Sight 2F Meteor 45 Smoke 18 Float 30 Flare 46 Shadowbind 47 Mirage ================================================= [01] Cecil Paladin - Initial White (FFIV) 0E Cure FF END [02] Cecil Paladin - Learned White (FFIV) 03 17 00 03 Sight 08 0D 00 08 Scan 0F 0F 00 15 Cura 13 16 00 19 Teleport 18 12 00 24 Esuna FF END [03] Rosa - Initial White (FFIV) 0E Cure 01 Hold 0D Scan 07 Slow 17 Sight FF END [04] Rosa - Learned White (FFIV) 0B 13 00 11 Life 0C 05 00 12 Protect 0D 0F 00 13 Cura 0F 02 00 15 Silence 12 12 00 18 Esuna 14 09 00 20 Berserk 17 04 00 23 Blink 18 03 00 24 Confuse 1D 06 00 29 Shell 1E 10 15 00 30 Curaga/Mini 1F 0C 00 31 Dispel 21 08 00 33 Haste 23 18 00 35 Float 24 0A 00 36 Reflect 26 11 00 38 Curaja 2D 14 00 45 Full-Life 37 0B 00 55 Holy FF END [05] Rydia - Initial Summon (FFIV) NOTE: Rydia does not learn summons through level up. She only learns them through events and items. 35 Chocobo FF END [06] Rydia (Child) - Learned White (FFIV) 03 0E 00 3 Cure 04 17 00 4 Sight 07 01 00 7 Hold FF END [07] Rydia (Child) - Learned Black (FFIV) NOTE: Rydia also gains the spells Fire, Fira, Blizzara, and Thundara through events NOTE: In GBA version, this list is used for both Child and Adult Rydia 02 20 00 2 Blizzard 05 23 00 5 Thunder 08 29 00 8 Sleep 0A 1C 00 10 Poison 0C 1B 00 12 Warp 0D 19 00 13 Toad 0F 2C 00 15 Stop 14 1A 00 20 Pig 1A 26 00 26 Bio 20 2E 00 32 Osmose 24 2D 00 36 Drain 27 22 00 39 Blizzaga 2A 1F 00 42 Firaga 2D 25 00 45 Thundaga 2F 28 00 47 Quake 31 2A 00 49 Break 33 27 00 51 Tornado 34 2B 00 52 Death 37 30 00 55 Flare 3C 2F 00 60 Meteor FF END [08] Tellah - Initial White (FFIV) NOTE: Tellah later learns every White Magic Spell through an event 0F Cura 03 Confuse 04 Blink 12 Esuna 13 Life 16 Teleport FF END [09] Tellah - Initial Black (FFIV) NOTE: Tellah later learns every Black Magic Spell through an event 1D Fire 20 Blizzard 23 Thunder 2C Stop 2E Osmose FF END [10] Palom - Initial Black (FFIV) 1D Fire 20 Blizzard 23 Thunder 29 Sleep 1C Poison FF END [11] Palom - Learned Black (FFIV) 0B 21 1A 00 11 Blizzara/Pig 0C 1E 00 12 Fira 0D 24 00 13 Thundara 0E 2C 00 14 Stop 13 26 00 19 Bio 16 19 00 22 Toad 17 28 00 23 Quake 1A 2D 00 26 Drain 1D 1B 00 29 Warp 20 22 00 32 Blizzaga 21 1F 00 33 Firaga 22 25 00 34 Thundaga 24 2A 00 36 Break 28 2E 00 40 Osmose 2E 2B 00 46 Death 30 27 00 48 Tornado 32 2F 00 50 Meteor 34 30 00 52 Flare FF END [12] Porom - Initial White (FFIV) 0E Cure 01 Hold 0D Scan 07 Slow 17 Sight FF END [13] Porom - Learned White (FFIV) 0B 13 00 11 Life 0C 05 00 12 Protect 0D 0F 00 13 Cura 0F 02 00 15 Silence 12 09 00 18 Berserk 13 16 00 19 Teleport 14 12 00 20 Esuna 17 04 00 23 Blink 19 03 00 25 Confuse 1D 06 00 29 Shell 1F 15 0C 00 31 Mini/Dispel 21 10 00 33 Curaga 26 08 00 38 Haste 28 18 00 40 Float 2C 0A 00 44 Reflect 30 11 00 48 Curaja 34 0B 00 52 Holy 38 14 00 56 Full-Life FF END [14] Edge - Initial Ninjutsu (FFIV) 42 Flame FF END [15] Edge - Learned Ninjutsu (FFIV) 1B 46 00 27 Shadowbind 21 45 00 33 Smoke 26 47 00 38 Mirage FF END [16] FuSoYa - Initial White (FFIV) Note: FuSoYa knows every White Magic Spell 01 Hold 02 Silence 03 Confuse 04 Blink 05 Protect 06 Shell 07 Slow 08 Haste 09 Berserk 0A Reflect 0B Holy 0C Dispel 0D Scan 0E Cure 0F Cura 10 Curaga 11 Curaja 12 Esuna 13 Life 14 Full-Life 15 Mini 16 Teleport 17 Sight 18 Float FF END [17] FuSoYa - Initial Black (FFIV) Note: FuSoYa knows every Black Magic Spell 19 Toad 1A Pig 1B Warp 1C Poison 1D Fire 1E Fira 1F Firaga 20 Blizzard 21 Blizzara 22 Blizzaga 23 Thunder 24 Thundara 25 Thundaga 26 Bio 27 Tornado 28 Quake 29 Sleep 2A Break 2B Death 2C Stop 2D Drain 2E Osmose 2F Meteor 30 Flare FF END ====================================================== FREE SPACE ====================================================== There is free space in the rom from EE540-EE580 for creating expanded spell lists.